Saturday, August 16, 2008

Shake appeal feel so high & low

Ughhh... school starts on Monday. Last year of high school, but nonetheless, school. 

Well to cheer myself and whoever else might be subjected to the same horror on Monday, there's a download available of a new Los Camp
esinos song! It's like a weird mesh of normal Los Campesinos with a twiddling violin in the background and then BAM! Hardcore scissor snipping guitar riffs going all over your ear. Try it out for yourself. [Source]

Kings of Leon whines about not being able to play new material because it'll be leaked on the Internet. Wah-wah. Whatevs KOL, you still have a large fan base & it'll even grow because you'll have more exposure. [Source]

Nine Inch Nails is going on tour! & opposite of KOL, NIN's Trent Reznor actually encourages you to steal from the music industry. Tru fax. Check out the tour dates right here. (They're coming to Florida!) 

Okay, so WTF:

Why is this anime chick on the new Weezer single? That's all I really have to say about that.

The battle is on! Between Team Jack White/Alicia Keys & Team Amy Winehouse. Apparently the job of creating a new James Bond theme went to Winehouse, but the producers dropped it & went to White Keys (haha) instead. Winehouse is now threatening to release her version on the same day because it would be a "bigger hit." We shall see! [Source]

1 comment:

Uyen said...

Personally, I'd rather have Jack White and Alicia Keys sing the new theme song. I don't really care for Amy Whinehouse too much. Oh, hahaha, I put "Whine" instead of "Wine" lol. Not like it doesn't fit...Sorry, I don't care much for Amy WINEhouse :)