Friday, July 11, 2008

Take back everything you ever said

I feel like a negligent mother. My kids being the four/five of you who actually read my blog. I know I haven't updated in a while & my apologiez. But today I have lots to write about. So besides liking what I call are "Pitchfork Pleasers" (meaning, Pfork approved bands) I also like a few bands like The Academy Is, Say Anything, & Jack's Mannequin. Not saying that those bands suck, they absolutely do not; they're just different from what I usually listen to. & contrary to sneering Pfork reviewers, music is not about snobbery or hipster cred; it's about feeling.

So you may have heard of a little tour called Warped Tour. Yesterday was my second time attending & if I go again next year, it'll be hard to top. There's live music, free stuff everywhere, cute boys galore, all in all just good times. So my friends & I had just sucked up FREE Monster slurpees (delish!) when we were approached by a lady who asked us if we wanted to help serve dinner to the 600 Warped Tour members, in exchange for backstage passes. Obvs, we were in. The lady brought us behind the fences of one of the stages & there were like lots & lots of tour buses & the pavilion where we served food & used the private bathrooms to wash our hands (here we saw the all-Asian girl ska band, ORESKABAND, waiting to take showers). It was Meg, Uyen, & I & 6 other girls who stood at a buffet line, serving out our respective dishes (cream of asparagus soup for me) to people like Parker Case (Say Anything), Andrew McMahon (Jack's Mannequin),  Matt Thiessen (Relient K), & Aaron Barrett of Reel Big Fish. EPIC. So for only two hours of our time, we were allowed to go backstage to where ever we wanted, escorted by this cute hipster boy who Meg fell in love with. He gave us a tour of the tour bus area & pointed out Tom Delonge's tour bus (it was purple-ish) & we saw all of Gym Class Heroes walking out of their tour bus. We then went to see Say Anything, & as we were waiting for them to go on, who should we see but William Beckett of The Academy Is! We took pictures & shiz & I showed him the back of my shirt (Uyen & I had made sweet shirts) which was of a wordsearch featuring the names of the bands I wanted to see, & obvs, The Academy Is was on it. Later, on the stage, Uyen said she saw William pointing out my shirt to the guitarist & bassist of Jack's Mannequin, Matt from Relient K, & I think Gabe Saporta of Cobra Starship was there too. The best part though, is yet to come. After the last set, the volunteers were asked back for a backstage BBQ which of course we went. We took some more pictures, saw Katy Perry (HAHA) met some more people, I saw THE CUTEST Asian boy ever (Kevin, who hangs with Forever The Sickest Kids) & it was just cool to see a whole different side of the bands just chilling with each other & riding around on bikes & stuff. Plus, some cute boy from Forever The Sickest Kids kind of hit on us.... haha basically, Warped was superfantastiche... I was lucky to meet a lot of cool & genuine people. I promise to post pictures later!

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