Friday, June 6, 2008

I will try to fix you

Holla at summer!!!!

Watch this cutesy vid of the making of "Pork & Beans." That is, if you aren't already full of Weezer (haha). But trust me, it's fun.

Lolz, read this NY Mag interview with Lou Reed. Mr. Sunshine basically tells the mag to you know what, off. [Source]

Thanks to Sgum, I have been made aware of this awesome site, & I have now taken it upon myself to make you, 
the reader, aware of this site as well. They have cool vids of nice little musicians playing in the back of a black cab. Creative, no? 
I particularly enjoyed the Death Cab one as well as the violinist, Charlie Siem. Enjoy!

Oh, & tomorrow, after I take the dreaded SAT's, I shall be attending Vampire Weekend! I'll be write lots about it & depending on how 
close I get to the stage, you'll get pictures too.

1 comment:

Uyen said...

you know, you can't see some of the words you wrote in your latest blog. there's some sort of invisible border on the right side that cuts off your words. just sayin'