Friday, March 14, 2008

Come on skinny love

If you too, wish you were in Austin, Texas enjoying SXSW, you can pretend to be a part of it at Stereogum (not really diggin' the new layout to be quite honest) & Pitchfork. They have lurvelyyy updates about everything that those who are less fortunate, are missing out on. 

Discovery of the day!
My AP US history teacher from last year likes good music! Why is this such a discovery? Well because he isn't the type you'd really pin down as indie lover & also because you don't meet many people down where I live that likes something other than mindless provocative rap, Dragonforce, or country shiz. So to find out my former teacher is a big fan of The Shins?? I guess I was blinded by the workload he assigned. But now that I don't have him anymore, I can burn him those Cure albums he wanted without any bitterness.

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