However, surprisingly, I find Coldplay's Prospekt's March to be much more enjoyable. It's continuation of "Life In Technicolor" is extremely satisfying. "Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground" is a purely acoustic song, reminiscent of the Parachute days. The song is without any complex string arrangements and lacks the warbling vocals that Chris Martin loves to pull. If you listen to the first minute or so of "Rainy Day" you can almost forget that you're listening to Coldplay and that someone put a Beck album on instead. When I heard Coldplay was releasing this EP just months after their album, I was all like lolz, just what we need, another Coldplay album. But srsly guys this is good stuff.
If you haven't bought, stolen, ripped, downloaded, WHATEVER, to Dark Was The Night, yet, WTF are you waiting for?? The album whose proceeds go to AIDS research, features gems from Arcade Fire, Beirut, and my personal fav, The National. The Arcade Fire goes for a kind of bluesy sound that is thoroughly adorable. The National's song however, is by far the best. "So Far Around The Bend" has no words for me to describe. Just listen to it! & The Yo La Tengo song is so beautifulllll. However all 31 songs on the album I'm afraid to say, isn't quite up to snuff. The 10 minute Sufjan Stevens electronica song is a jumbled mess & reminds me of a more disorganized Animal Collective. Which if you're me, is a bad thing. But the album contains so much goodness, I'm willing to overlook Sufjan's temporarily fit of deafness & give the album five out of five Hello Kitties!
Instead of listening to Sufjan's less-than-melodic song, you can enjoy these pictures of him looking mighty handsome with Bell Orchestre, My Brightest Diamond, & Clogs. He lures you in~*~*~
Byyyy the way, Yeah Yeah Yeah's new single "Zero" is pretty great. Listen.
i'm loving this new hello kitty rating system.
you're the shiz.
kiss meee
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