I would add a certain adjective in front of epic but my brother reads my blog so I'll leave it to your imagination.
Confetti & toilet paper & dancing. Lots & lots of dancing.
The openers were Hollywood Holt & Grand Buffet. Both were rap duos, one was black guys, the other white. I'm sure you can imagine which one was better. THEN..... Girl Talk. The crowd was going nuts. I managed to get up to the front railing with my friends & my brother.
But not before some fat bitch decided to give me some of her 'tude. I was like psh whatevz. She was dancing her ass all up in my face & her curly, out of control synthetic hair pony-tail was in my face so I decided to throw my gum in her hair & put my elbows in her back (risking losing my limbs in the vortex of her enormity) so she knew it wasn't okay to shove her junk in my face. I digress, this blog is about good music, not skanks who wear tube tops that are about 1000x too small. Anyways.
So I'm DEAD center, right in front of the man himself. He starts with the "Play Your Part" sample & the crowd went nuts. The only way I can really describe the next 80ish minutes of my life is with one word. Dancing. DancingdancingdancinggggggDANCING d-a-n-c-i-n-g. Lots of people were dancing on stage & lots of people were trying to sneak past the security guard to get up on the stage. Then two people on stage took these weird toilet paper blower things. Basically it shot rolls of toilet paper into the crowd. Ahhhhhhh. Gregg would intermittently come into the space between the railing & stage & I touched him many, many times. He even stepped on my shirt I had slung over the railing as he launched himself into the crowd to surf! & we made eye contact for a full five seconds. Totally.
My favorite samples were "Since U Been Gone" & that interlude about taking your broke ass home in that one Fergie song. Also "Jessie's Girl" & the line about having sex, but rather getting head. I threw my hands in the air like I didn't care.
My bro in the gray shirt, Meg, MEEEEEE, & Leah. Picture taken from whereweanchored's Flickr.
1 comment:
HAHAHAHAHA i lol-ed so much when i read this.
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