Umm. So Pfork decided to get a makeover?
I can't tell if I like it or not. It reminds me a lot of Cokemachineglow.
Apparently there's a new Phoenix track! I can't think of another pop-rock album that I loved as much as It's Never Been Like That. The reviewer gives the new track "1901" an 8, I assume out of a 10. Personally I'd give it a 7. But maybe I'm a little bitter because the reviewer dissed The Strokes' own "12:51" with a caddy, "remember them" remark. Listen! On the same page, you can also check out Lil Wayne's new rock track. It's pretty awful.
I found some more pics from Girl Talkkkkk. I look bored or ridiculous in any picture I'm in. Can you find me? Hint: purple cardigan & glasses. There. You should be able to find me. Click for full gallery! Pictures taken from Smileforcamera.
Alsooo this is probably the most original & creative cover I've ever heard. MGMT's "Kids" played entirely on iPhone apps! It was covered by a group called The Mentalists, an all-chick British band.
Gregg Gillis also used a sample from "Kids" at the concert, & I pretty much went insane.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I would add a certain adjective in front of epic but my brother reads my blog so I'll leave it to your imagination.
Confetti & toilet paper & dancing. Lots & lots of dancing.
The openers were Hollywood Holt & Grand Buffet. Both were rap duos, one was black guys, the other white. I'm sure you can imagine which one was better. THEN..... Girl Talk. The crowd was going nuts. I managed to get up to the front railing with my friends & my brother.
But not before some fat bitch decided to give me some of her 'tude. I was like psh whatevz. She was dancing her ass all up in my face & her curly, out of control synthetic hair pony-tail was in my face so I decided to throw my gum in her hair & put my elbows in her back (risking losing my limbs in the vortex of her enormity) so she knew it wasn't okay to shove her junk in my face. I digress, this blog is about good music, not skanks who wear tube tops that are about 1000x too small. Anyways.
So I'm DEAD center, right in front of the man himself. He starts with the "Play Your Part" sample & the crowd went nuts. The only way I can really describe the next 80ish minutes of my life is with one word. Dancing. DancingdancingdancinggggggDANCING d-a-n-c-i-n-g. Lots of people were dancing on stage & lots of people were trying to sneak past the security guard to get up on the stage. Then two people on stage took these weird toilet paper blower things. Basically it shot rolls of toilet paper into the crowd. Ahhhhhhh. Gregg would intermittently come into the space between the railing & stage & I touched him many, many times. He even stepped on my shirt I had slung over the railing as he launched himself into the crowd to surf! & we made eye contact for a full five seconds. Totally.
My favorite samples were "Since U Been Gone" & that interlude about taking your broke ass home in that one Fergie song. Also "Jessie's Girl" & the line about having sex, but rather getting head. I threw my hands in the air like I didn't care.

My bro in the gray shirt, Meg, MEEEEEE, & Leah. Picture taken from whereweanchored's Flickr.
I would add a certain adjective in front of epic but my brother reads my blog so I'll leave it to your imagination.
Confetti & toilet paper & dancing. Lots & lots of dancing.
The openers were Hollywood Holt & Grand Buffet. Both were rap duos, one was black guys, the other white. I'm sure you can imagine which one was better. THEN..... Girl Talk. The crowd was going nuts. I managed to get up to the front railing with my friends & my brother.
But not before some fat bitch decided to give me some of her 'tude. I was like psh whatevz. She was dancing her ass all up in my face & her curly, out of control synthetic hair pony-tail was in my face so I decided to throw my gum in her hair & put my elbows in her back (risking losing my limbs in the vortex of her enormity) so she knew it wasn't okay to shove her junk in my face. I digress, this blog is about good music, not skanks who wear tube tops that are about 1000x too small. Anyways.
So I'm DEAD center, right in front of the man himself. He starts with the "Play Your Part" sample & the crowd went nuts. The only way I can really describe the next 80ish minutes of my life is with one word. Dancing. DancingdancingdancinggggggDANCING d-a-n-c-i-n-g. Lots of people were dancing on stage & lots of people were trying to sneak past the security guard to get up on the stage. Then two people on stage took these weird toilet paper blower things. Basically it shot rolls of toilet paper into the crowd. Ahhhhhhh. Gregg would intermittently come into the space between the railing & stage & I touched him many, many times. He even stepped on my shirt I had slung over the railing as he launched himself into the crowd to surf! & we made eye contact for a full five seconds. Totally.
My favorite samples were "Since U Been Gone" & that interlude about taking your broke ass home in that one Fergie song. Also "Jessie's Girl" & the line about having sex, but rather getting head. I threw my hands in the air like I didn't care.
My bro in the gray shirt, Meg, MEEEEEE, & Leah. Picture taken from whereweanchored's Flickr.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Praying for Pavement to get back together
I'll be upfront. Franz Ferdinand's new album, Tonight is a little tedious for me. Everything sounds so choppy. & It sounds like Franz Ferdinand which should sound good, but this album is not as good as its predecessors. Nothing on the album seems to flow like an album should. Each song is just like... *typical FF guitar riff* I suppose it's enjoyable enough, but I'm disappointed. Though I should mention, they DID write a song about me ;)

However, surprisingly, I find Coldplay's Prospekt's March to be much more enjoyable. It's continuation of "Life In Technicolor" is extremely satisfying. "Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground" is a purely acoustic song, reminiscent of the Parachute days. The song is without any complex string arrangements and lacks the warbling vocals that Chris Martin loves to pull. If you listen to the first minute or so of "Rainy Day" you can almost forget that you're listening to Coldplay and that someone put a Beck album on instead. When I heard Coldplay was releasing this EP just months after their album, I was all like lolz, just what we need, another Coldplay album. But srsly guys this is good stuff.

If you haven't bought, stolen, ripped, downloaded, WHATEVER, to Dark Was The Night, yet, WTF are you waiting for?? The album whose proceeds go to AIDS research, features gems from Arcade Fire, Beirut, and my personal fav, The National. The Arcade Fire goes for a kind of bluesy sound that is thoroughly adorable. The National's song however, is by far the best. "So Far Around The Bend" has no words for me to describe. Just listen to it! & The Yo La Tengo song is so beautifulllll. However all 31 songs on the album I'm afraid to say, isn't quite up to snuff. The 10 minute Sufjan Stevens electronica song is a jumbled mess & reminds me of a more disorganized Animal Collective. Which if you're me, is a bad thing. But the album contains so much goodness, I'm willing to overlook Sufjan's temporarily fit of deafness & give the album five out of five Hello Kitties!

Instead of listening to Sufjan's less-than-melodic song, you can enjoy these pictures of him looking mighty handsome with Bell Orchestre, My Brightest Diamond, & Clogs. He lures you in~*~*~
Byyyy the way, Yeah Yeah Yeah's new single "Zero" is pretty great. Listen.
However, surprisingly, I find Coldplay's Prospekt's March to be much more enjoyable. It's continuation of "Life In Technicolor" is extremely satisfying. "Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground" is a purely acoustic song, reminiscent of the Parachute days. The song is without any complex string arrangements and lacks the warbling vocals that Chris Martin loves to pull. If you listen to the first minute or so of "Rainy Day" you can almost forget that you're listening to Coldplay and that someone put a Beck album on instead. When I heard Coldplay was releasing this EP just months after their album, I was all like lolz, just what we need, another Coldplay album. But srsly guys this is good stuff.
If you haven't bought, stolen, ripped, downloaded, WHATEVER, to Dark Was The Night, yet, WTF are you waiting for?? The album whose proceeds go to AIDS research, features gems from Arcade Fire, Beirut, and my personal fav, The National. The Arcade Fire goes for a kind of bluesy sound that is thoroughly adorable. The National's song however, is by far the best. "So Far Around The Bend" has no words for me to describe. Just listen to it! & The Yo La Tengo song is so beautifulllll. However all 31 songs on the album I'm afraid to say, isn't quite up to snuff. The 10 minute Sufjan Stevens electronica song is a jumbled mess & reminds me of a more disorganized Animal Collective. Which if you're me, is a bad thing. But the album contains so much goodness, I'm willing to overlook Sufjan's temporarily fit of deafness & give the album five out of five Hello Kitties!
Instead of listening to Sufjan's less-than-melodic song, you can enjoy these pictures of him looking mighty handsome with Bell Orchestre, My Brightest Diamond, & Clogs. He lures you in~*~*~
Byyyy the way, Yeah Yeah Yeah's new single "Zero" is pretty great. Listen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Talk with your hips
Random! Vampire Weekend at an opening party for some store... that just happens to be Armani. I know, right? Proof:
Lily Allen has been so freaking adorable lately. Like singing Brit's "Womanizer" in the bathroom with Ellen DeGeneres. & dressing all classy for her performance of "The Fear" on the Tonight Show. [Source 1, 2]
Yeah Yeah Yeahs have released their newest single "Zero." It's... familiarly YYYs but slightly different. There seems to be more synth-ish things over the same heavy & driving guitar riffing that make the song have a lighter/poppier feel than their other stuff. I like. [Source]
So I reallyyyy love Frightened Rabbit. They have the same homey uniqueness as Fleet Foxes, but I find their harmonies to be more complex & more interesting. They also aren't overhyped. Ahem. I guess I shouldn't talk with Vamp Wknd being the first in my post, but I digress. Listen to them. !!!!!!!!!!
Lily Allen has been so freaking adorable lately. Like singing Brit's "Womanizer" in the bathroom with Ellen DeGeneres. & dressing all classy for her performance of "The Fear" on the Tonight Show. [Source 1, 2]
Yeah Yeah Yeahs have released their newest single "Zero." It's... familiarly YYYs but slightly different. There seems to be more synth-ish things over the same heavy & driving guitar riffing that make the song have a lighter/poppier feel than their other stuff. I like. [Source]
So I reallyyyy love Frightened Rabbit. They have the same homey uniqueness as Fleet Foxes, but I find their harmonies to be more complex & more interesting. They also aren't overhyped. Ahem. I guess I shouldn't talk with Vamp Wknd being the first in my post, but I digress. Listen to them. !!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bored with electricity
Just watch.
So I don't know if you've heard of The Lonely Island, but it's the combined musical talents of SNL's Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone (famous for dancing around shirtless to various SNL musical guests). Their album dropped last Tuesday, and who is featured in one of their songs, but Julian Casablancas?For your listening pleasure. [Source]
M.I.A. had a bb boy! In fact, she went into labor when she came home from the Grammy's (did you see her performance with Kanye, T.I., Jay-Z, & Lil Wayne? More importantly did you see her awesome maternity outfit??) Read the new mama's update! [Source 1, 2]
So I don't know if you've heard of The Lonely Island, but it's the combined musical talents of SNL's Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone (famous for dancing around shirtless to various SNL musical guests). Their album dropped last Tuesday, and who is featured in one of their songs, but Julian Casablancas?For your listening pleasure. [Source]
M.I.A. had a bb boy! In fact, she went into labor when she came home from the Grammy's (did you see her performance with Kanye, T.I., Jay-Z, & Lil Wayne? More importantly did you see her awesome maternity outfit??) Read the new mama's update! [Source 1, 2]
julian casablancas,
the lonely island
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
In a perfect situation, I let love down the drain
The Black Lips got chased out of India! They assumed their usual frolicsome behavior that would have been cheered on by (drunken) spectators elsewhere, but in India, the law laid the smackdown. Read for a riveting account of the Black Lips' legal troubles. What "Bad Kids"..... [Source]
Lil Wayne is going to try is hand in the realm of good old rock'n'roll. Maybe I'll like it better than "A Milli." Maybe I'm just an indie rock nerd who is too wrapped up in the neat refrains and riffs of Vampire Weekend to appreciate anything else. Or maybe he just sucks. Either way I remain dubious. Even the Pfork peeps who worshipped Tha Carter III seem unconvinced at Lil Wayne's newest venture. [Source]
LEGIT STROKES NEWS. After reports of various Strokes members pursuing various side-projects (Nickel Eye, Little Joy, etc), THEY HAVE FINALLY GOT THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They will reconvene in the studio in February, causing the hearts of many fans to begin beating again. I, among them. [Source]
Click the source for some hawt~*~ Lily Allen photos at her "comeback" gig.
A small Lily Allen aside- I went to a dance last night & of course they played crappy music. I've always wondered what makes the DJ keep playing that song when nobody is on the dance floor? Is he blinded by the dim lighting, so conducive to acts of grinding and general skankiness? Is he deafened by his own horrible taste in music? Yeah I guess. But then all of a sudden I heard the beginnings of Lily Allen's "The Fear!" Before I could cajole my friends to twirl with me a la Lily Allen, the DJ changed the song. Yeah. Anyways, here's a preview:

Interview with Coldplay's resident hottie, Guy Berryman! [Source]
Well I think that's a sufficient update. I'm off to a Super Bowl party. Obviously only with the purpose of absconding with all the free snacks and thus keeping my status quo of football knowledge where it belongs. At zero.
Lil Wayne is going to try is hand in the realm of good old rock'n'roll. Maybe I'll like it better than "A Milli." Maybe I'm just an indie rock nerd who is too wrapped up in the neat refrains and riffs of Vampire Weekend to appreciate anything else. Or maybe he just sucks. Either way I remain dubious. Even the Pfork peeps who worshipped Tha Carter III seem unconvinced at Lil Wayne's newest venture. [Source]
LEGIT STROKES NEWS. After reports of various Strokes members pursuing various side-projects (Nickel Eye, Little Joy, etc), THEY HAVE FINALLY GOT THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. They will reconvene in the studio in February, causing the hearts of many fans to begin beating again. I, among them. [Source]
Click the source for some hawt~*~ Lily Allen photos at her "comeback" gig.
A small Lily Allen aside- I went to a dance last night & of course they played crappy music. I've always wondered what makes the DJ keep playing that song when nobody is on the dance floor? Is he blinded by the dim lighting, so conducive to acts of grinding and general skankiness? Is he deafened by his own horrible taste in music? Yeah I guess. But then all of a sudden I heard the beginnings of Lily Allen's "The Fear!" Before I could cajole my friends to twirl with me a la Lily Allen, the DJ changed the song. Yeah. Anyways, here's a preview:
Interview with Coldplay's resident hottie, Guy Berryman! [Source]
Well I think that's a sufficient update. I'm off to a Super Bowl party. Obviously only with the purpose of absconding with all the free snacks and thus keeping my status quo of football knowledge where it belongs. At zero.
lil wayne,
lily allen,
the black lips,
the strokes
Friday, January 23, 2009
So who's the girl wearing my dress
The Killers have released their video for "Spaceman." I like the song but the video not so much. It's really really really weird. You have been warned. [Source]
Speaking of music videos, Franz Ferdinand released their video for "Ulysses!" It's so good! I love everything about the song & the video is pretty swell. Srsly though, FF is just so cool.
In other FF news, hottie drummer, Paul Thompson impressed Cheryl Cole with his neck tattoos. She is apparently a singer in a British chick band (Girl's Aloud?). I'm sure his bamf drumming skillz add to the "sexy" of the neck tattoo. [Source]
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs have enlisted the help of some fuzzy ducklings in a bowl of popcorn & a rabid raccoon to name their new album. The animals have deemed it Blitz. [Source] for the picture.
Speaking of music videos, Franz Ferdinand released their video for "Ulysses!" It's so good! I love everything about the song & the video is pretty swell. Srsly though, FF is just so cool.
In other FF news, hottie drummer, Paul Thompson impressed Cheryl Cole with his neck tattoos. She is apparently a singer in a British chick band (Girl's Aloud?). I'm sure his bamf drumming skillz add to the "sexy" of the neck tattoo. [Source]
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs have enlisted the help of some fuzzy ducklings in a bowl of popcorn & a rabid raccoon to name their new album. The animals have deemed it Blitz. [Source] for the picture.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Can you tell I'm losing sleep?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling
Seriously, my badz for not updating. Apologies x1000.
To make up for my lack of updates, I have two blogs they I hold in very high regard. My friend Elizabeth writes Say Parcheezie & it's oft filled with the intellectual language that is lacking here. She recently did a Top 7 Albums of 2008 & it's worth checking out! She pointed out this very interesting & extremely unconventional review of a Hot Chip show. Took me a while to figure out, but it was nice to look at.
So everyone knows who Spencer Tweedy is, right? You know, Jeff Tweedy of Uncle Tupelo/Loose Fur/Wilco's son? Not gonna lie, I didn't at first, but he's 13 & has this really fabulous blog. It's pretty intellectually stimulating I must say; even the writers of Pitchfork were impressed. Read! [Source]
I'm really getting into Ra Ra Riot's The Rhumb Line. The first track, "Ghost Under Rocks," grabs your attention, mostly because the first 10 seconds sounds like a Wolf Parade's "Shine A Light." Upon further listen, you discover that it is a delightful mix of string usage, pleasant vocals, & relatable lyrics.
Look, some happy pictures of Los Campesinos!
To make up for my lack of updates, I have two blogs they I hold in very high regard. My friend Elizabeth writes Say Parcheezie & it's oft filled with the intellectual language that is lacking here. She recently did a Top 7 Albums of 2008 & it's worth checking out! She pointed out this very interesting & extremely unconventional review of a Hot Chip show. Took me a while to figure out, but it was nice to look at.
So everyone knows who Spencer Tweedy is, right? You know, Jeff Tweedy of Uncle Tupelo/Loose Fur/Wilco's son? Not gonna lie, I didn't at first, but he's 13 & has this really fabulous blog. It's pretty intellectually stimulating I must say; even the writers of Pitchfork were impressed. Read! [Source]
I'm really getting into Ra Ra Riot's The Rhumb Line. The first track, "Ghost Under Rocks," grabs your attention, mostly because the first 10 seconds sounds like a Wolf Parade's "Shine A Light." Upon further listen, you discover that it is a delightful mix of string usage, pleasant vocals, & relatable lyrics.
Look, some happy pictures of Los Campesinos!
jeff tweedy,
los campesinos,
ra ra riot,
say parcheezie,
spencer tweedy,
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