Saturday, July 5, 2008

Los Angeles, I'm yours

Sup guys. Hope everyone had a fab 4th 'o' July, filled with fireworks & BBQ & the like. Today, you guys are gonna get the Cliff Notes version of things:

Stereogum has a new Mogwai song available for free download. I took a quick listen to it & it's pretty shweeet. 

Pitchfork has compiled a list probably filled with more than you ever need to know about upcoming albums & such. Nevertheless, it is very informative. They also have an interview with The Notwist! There's some pretty deep stuff in it.

Tinymixtapes claims Conor Oberst goes in EVERY SINGLE country. Be that as it may, he fails to visit Florida. If you happen to be anywhere in the world besides Florida or the Middle East, chances are you get to see bright-eyed (haha) Conor. Check itttt.

I saved the best for last! (Elizabeth, you'll appreciate this one). Some Youtuber gave a (deservedly so) bad review of Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" & she actually responded to it! Very lame, very funny, & the dude is pretty cute. Click for the lolz.

1 comment:

Uyen said...


wow. that canadian guy is so cute (and i'm not just talking about his looks. did you hear that accent?!).

his videos were hilarious. i loved his "brutal" comments. :) seriously, this kid's funny. and did you watch his video about the racist emobile commercial? hahaha. wow.