Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shakedown 1979

This post is basically a "things I love" post. It's about.... well it's rather self-explanatory.

First off, my twin (in looks & thoughts & everything), Elizabeth has started a blog. She's relatively intelligent (haha jkz, she's the smartest person I know) & has good taste in music. So you should visit- Say Parcheezie! Oh & she makes fun of Katy Perry which is a plus! Haha. 
In her most recent post, she made a list of her current 10 fav songs. I'm gonna be a copyKat (lolz) & do the same except just 5 because.... just because.
1. Let Me See You- Girl Talk 
Greg Gillis, youz the man! The Fleetwood Mac with the Trina sample goes over like silk for the ears!
2. Gobbledigook- Sigur Ros
I like this new driven direction Sigur Ros has found in guitar riffs & shorter songs.
3. Lovers In Japan/Reign of Love- Coldplay 
While you don't get any hipster cred for listening to Coldplay, & while they still sound the same, & the new album is very predictable, they don't suck. Take Coldplay for what it's worth & you'll find it's better than most the stuff on the radio. Actually I don't listen to the radio but I'm sure my statement is fairly accurate. Care to confirm anyone?
4. The Kids Don't Stand A Chance- Vampire Weekend
Yeah you already know. I love 'em.
5. Let It Be- The Beatles
Classic. Yes. Cliche? Only made such by those who only know about "Yellow Submarine" & wear peace signs like they're the new trendy accessory. 

Next order of biz, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN WALL-E YOU NEED TO DROP EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE & GO SEE IT. SO GOOD. Srsly, WALL-E is everything I'm looking for in a boy. Not afraid to commit, quirky (funny), cute, hard-working, loyal... <3!

Also I'm reading High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. I love it so far & I'm only 75 pages in! While reading, I spotted this gem of a passage that I couldn't wait to show you guys. It's the main character talking, Rob, who works in a record store:
"Have you got any soul?" a woman asks the next afternoon. That depends, I feel like saying; some days yes, some days no. A few days ago I was right out; now I've got loads, too much, more than I can handle. I wish I could spread it a bit more evenly, I want to tell her, get a better balance, but I can't seem to get it sorted. I can see she wouldn't be interested in my internal stock control problems though, so I simply point to where I keep the soul I have, right by the exit, just next to the blues.
I don't know, but whole thing just really struck a deep chord with me. Maybe it had the same effect on you, maybe not. 

& now I conclude with the Cure pictures (compliments of my brother) I promised you like two weeks ago. :)

doesn't that last picture make you wish you were at that concert instead of studying at home for the ACT the next day which turns out you epic failed anyways? Yeah, me too. 

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