Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nobody with no one to call

I apologize for the lack of muxtapes.... I'm kind of dry on ideas. I promise one for next week though. So school starts tomorrow. LAME. You know what else is lame? THE JONAS BROTHERS. Okay what the crap. I personally don't hate them or anything but I have never been able to sit through the entirety of any one song of theirs. People need to stop with The Beatles comparisons. That is sacrilege. McCartney/Lennon put genius into music. Jonas/Jonas/Jonas (if they do write their own songs) put pop into well tailored suits. The hype is truly ridiculous. There were FOUR Beatles. Three Jo Bros. The Beatles were riddled with alcohol and drug problems. John Lennon posed naked on a magazine with his lover that wasn't his wife. The Jonas Brothers wear purity rings. Not that I'm making fun of that. Just the fact that THEY HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON. I mean, John Lennon was killed!!!! Although if that's any inclination to the Jonas' future.... haha I kid, I kid. Okay to be less harsh, I do see one commone factor: they are all male (even that is questionable). & they aren't even that cute. Srsly, the youngest one is the only mildly attractive one. I forget if it's Joe or Kevin who has caterpillars for eyebrows. But looks don't matter. Or don't they??????? Because I truly believe that's half the reason for their catapult to fame. You'd think The Jonas Brothers were Jesus and two disciples at the way these fangirls are acting:
Ridiculous, just plain ridiculous. You tell me in 20 years when they're older and they can fit into their tight pants anymore, if girls will be eating their hair for the Jonas Brothers. Will their music be remembered like "Let It Be" & "Across The Universe"????? Dubious, at best.


Uyen said...

what, you don't cry when you see the Jonas Brothers? and I happen to believe that they do, indeed, compare to the Beatles. no, that was a joke. they definitely get more hype than they deserve. i compared them to Hanson, not The Beatles. i believe that's a more accurate comparison

Kat said...

haha indeed!