Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Umbrella ella ella ey ey ey

So Pfork has this awesome summary of Coachella that won't quench the emptiness in your heart that you missed out on such a wonderful thing in life, but it'll tie you over for a while. It has this amazing review of Cut Copy & I must again say, you need to listen to them nowwww. Because they are just that good. 

Check out this new vid for Tapes'n Tapes "Walk It Off." It's fairly entertaining. 

Also, though not quite as entertaining, is the new Guillemots video for "Falling Out Of Reach." I seriously used to be in love with the Guillemots. I still am kinda, just the way Fyfe Dangerfield's melodic voice just so cavalierly washes over the instruments. I think he's probably in my top 5 for a vocalist.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Songs To Appreciate The Acoustic Guitar

So let's try something new... for this week's Sunday Selections, click hurrr.

I'll leave that particular playlist up until whenever it's time for a new Sunday Selection so enjoy this new format!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lights and music are on my mind

Omg you have to listen to Cut Copy. Right now. They are like the best of Hot Chip & New Order. Seriously, you need to listen. They'll be on my albums of the year list, guaranteed.

Wazz^^ California! Coachella, that's what's up. Stereogum, as always has the lowdown. If I could pick any music festival to attend, I would pick Coachella. Since it's always right after my birthday (April 24) I have promised myself that before I die, I will go to Coachella. But for now, I shall have to content myself in checking Sgum updates. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You have stolen my heart

Basically, this month is super busy. Everything is gonna go down within in these next few weeks. Meaning, yes, I will soon be enjoying Radiohead in concert, but also my AP exams are nearing!! Plus, this Thursday is my 17th birthday. Oh & did you know on Saturday, it was Record Store Day? Well it was & if you've never heard of it, go learn something new here. Also, today is Earth Day. So happy late Record Store Day & happy Earth Day!

Remember when I mentioned Conor Oberst a while back? Well apparently he's going to do a solo tour & album & stuff. Actually it's basically going to be Bright Eyes, but he's decided to just call it "Conor Oberst." Cool

Okay so I saved the best news for last.  A FOURTH STROKES' ALBUM IS IN THE WORKS. Yesssssss. Lovelovelovelovelove. Read if you don't believe me! I seriously wouldn't mind if they went back to their old sound, pre-First Impressions of Earth, because well, even though they were criticized for not changing their sound enough on their second album, it's the sound that makes them The Strokes. However I still enjoyed First Impressions & they can do no wrong in my eyes. Yippeee!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm alot like you so please, hello I'm here

If you head over to weezer.com, you can see they've revamped the website to make it match the "red" theme of their new album. Also you can stream the full length version of a new song, Pork & Beans. I don't know what to think. It's definitely not Pinkerton material but it's hands down better than Beverly Hills. The riffing sounds familiar, more like a mix of Maladroit & Green with the comical, slightly "self-deprecating" (as Stereogum described it) lyrics reminiscent of Blue Album: "Timbaland knows the way to reach the top of the chart/ maybe if i work with him I can perfect the art I'ma do the things I wanna do I ain't got a thing to prove to you." We'll see though.

Speaking of new songs, Franz Ferdinand has been under the radar for a while until now! They have emerged from a basement it seems, tantalizing us with a small taste, rather a lick, of one of their new songs. News/video from Stereogum:
I rooted around Google & found these two interviews at Billboard.com & The Tripwire where Alex Kapranos describes the album as "the opposite of punk/pop" & also how Paul Thompson was listening to a lot of African stuff which would come through as well. 
I must say, I am thoroughly excited!

Also, I seriously recommend listening to Seabear. Their song, I Sing I Swim, kinda reminds me of Belle & Sebastian. They just have that overall Sufjan Stevens/Islands quality. I mentioned them in this Sunday Selections, a while back. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The skyline looked like crooked teeth

I've been hearing stuff for a while about Cajun Dance Party on Stereogum & now you can download a song off their album to come.  I listened to the songs on their Myspace & they remind me of a softer version of the Arctic Monkeys. Valid assessment? I really recommend listening to Amylase.

Okay so you know that one Spoon song Small Stakes & it has the lyrics "I don't dig the Stripes/ but I go for Har Mar"? Well apparently Britt Daniel has retracted this statement to say that he now is a fan of the White Stripes. Read the rest of the muy interestante interview he had with Pfork.

Anywaysss, so today I walk into Publix for a little shopping with my mom & I stop in the middle of the cereal/dry goods aisle because I can't believe what I was hearing. FEIST. Yes. Publix was playing 1234. Thx Publix for making shopping a pleasure.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Songs To Help Maintain My Emotional Stability

...As AP exams/the SAT/ACT/Symphony audition near.

1. Let It Be- The Beatles 
2. Ceremony- New Order
3. Fake Empire- The National
4. Hotel Chelsea Nights- Ryan Adams
5. Jesus, etc.- Wilco
6. Raindrops- Regina Spektor
7. I Heard You Looking- Yo La Tengo
8. This Aching Deal- The Shocking Pinks
9. First Day Of My Life- Bright Eyes
10. Advance Cassette- Spoon

If you couldn't surmise, I am frrrreaking out about school & my life & just zomg & I seriously just need to chill. But it's really hard seeing as how tomorrow I'll resume the daily torture that is high school. 

Anyways, I kinda rediscovered Bright Eyes & I was wondering what happened to Conor Oberst?? He went from emo heartthrob to a blue-haired... I don't even know, grandpa? I think it was that weird spiritualist camp he went to. 
Pre Cassadaga:

Post Cassadaga:

All I know is that I used to be in love with him (I named my first iPod after him) & now I am slightly creeped out by his appearance. 

So on Friday I went to shopping & I must say these stores are doing everything they can to attract the hippest of the hip to buy their over-priced merchandise. Take for example, Hollister. Can you say SENSORY OVERLOAD? Their biting perfume/cologne scent was all over the store & the pounding music & the dim lighting with the fake foliage everywhere made it very hard for me to actually see their clothes. I was too busy sneezing/squinting my eyes & dodging the random fake plants they had placed every which where. No wonder I've never bought any of their stuff. Sometimes though, they play cool music & I looked online to see if they had anything on the music selection they play in the stores. Imagine my horror as I discovered Vampire Weekend alongside Simple Plan. Look

Monday, April 7, 2008

Darling, your head's not right

Apparently Bob Dylan has won a special music Pulitzer Prize or something. Sweet deal huh? Only 38 music prizes have ever been given out. Which reminds me I still need to see that Bob Dylan movie where a bunch of different people play him. 

Don't forget to check out Pitchfork.tv. The interviews in the very first video are hilarious.

Okay so I'm on the prom committee  & I have to have a list of songs for the DJ at my Prom to play. Any suggestions? The pre-approved "DJ" needs to realize the Electric Slide & the Chicken dance are not acceptable. Especially when played more than once. I hate school dances for two reasons: 
1. I never hear any Hot Chip/LCD Soundsystem & instead I hear songs that promote getting low & "apple bottom jeans & boots wit da fur." Also when the DJ plays aforementioned uncultured dance rituals more than once.
2. I see couples performing what looks like sex with clothes on on the dancefloor. No thanks.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats

Cue the jealousy. My supa cool brother just got me an Atlas Sound poster as well as a Los Campesinos one! Granted I have to get into the Atlas Sound, but it's two more for the growing collection on my walls.

Yeah, basically. 

So the rumors are true. Weezer has confirmed that their new album will be, for the third time, a self-titled album. This time though, it'll be red. Don't believe me? I don't want to either but Pitchfork never lies

Speaking of Pitchfork, on Monday the website will open up Pitchfork.tv. The site will offer music videos & interviews. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited. Read up on all that jazz here

ZOMG alert! The 2008 Lollzapalooza lineup has been confirmed! Well at least part of it. If you're lucky enough to be able to attend, check out Stereogum for the lineup. You can check it out even if you're not going to just make yourself hate life even more. Bloc Party? Radiohead? Nine Inch Nails? Kanye West? Wilco?? BBL, crying. Not to mention, reading more of Stereogum just gave me another reason to cry. Apparently Entertainment Weekly just described Phantom Planet as "...such excellent Arcade Fire-style anthem builders." What do you think? Take a listen at EW.com & tell me you too, think the writer/listener was on drugs. 

Postscript: Almost Famous is a really good movie. I can add it to my list of inspirations.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sidekick rings, whats up holla!

Have you heard the new Death Cab For Cutie song? If not, give it a listen here. Um.. I'm not sure what to say about it yet, except that it's long. Reallyyy long. As long as 3 normal Death Cab songs would usually be. Personally, I think lyrics are Gibbard's strong point, but they don't start until almost 5 minutes into the song. Yeah. Not to mention, I wish Ben Gibbard would play around with The Postal Service instead. But okay, whatevs, I am open to new things.

Wait. I take that back. I am open to new things EXCEPT for the new possibility that Weezer is naming their new album: Weezer, The Red Album. No. Just no. April Fool's Day joke maybe? (via Pitchfork)

Also via the ever reliable Pitchfork, new Wolf Parade album June 17! Yayayay. It's called Kissing The Beehive. I can't wait. Buy me a cool shirt? 

For some more musical joy, watch the new Los Campesinos video. I lurveee them. (via Stereogum